Employee Satisfaction/Engagement Case Study


We conducted employee satisfaction/engagement tracking surveys for one of the world’s leading technology platform providers with offices and staff in twelve countries around the world. The primary objective of these surveys was to gather feedback from its employees to evaluate the attitudes, opinions, concerns and priorities for staff across their branch offices. The survey results were to define the current situation and provide input for decision-making at both the corporate and branch levels. The survey was conducted internally in the past but in an effort to improve the response rate and the reliability of the data and to gain a third-party objective and professional perspective of the results, the organization determined that it would be best to have it managed externally.


These surveys were conducted online and measured employee satisfaction with 23 different aspects of their job, including compensation, workload, training, support, growth and development, internal communication, office environment, their managers, head office and the quality of the product and services provided by their employer. Employees were also able to provide open-ended comments on areas where they believed the organization needed to improve. The survey was programmed so that employees saw only sections of questions that related to their specific branch office and/or position. Employees in all offices were initially emailed an invitation asking for their feedback and then 2 reminder emails were sent to those who did not complete the survey by pre-determined dates. Each employee was directed to a password protected secure website to participate in the survey so their survey results remained completely anonymous.


The survey results were segmented a number of ways, including by branch, department and tenure. This provided both corporate and branch management with critical unbiased, third-party, scientific information to drive both immediate and longer-term strategies and initiatives, leveraging the organization’s strengths. As well, the survey identified areas requiring attention and provided direction for the organization to take remedial action to improve employee satisfaction, engagement, morale and retention.