We Can Help

We are dedicated to your success and growth! Every organization we work with is different, each with a unique set of objectives, issues, market conditions, processes and personalities. We will work closely with you to determine the most suitable research program and customize the methodology and approach to meet your objectives, needs and budget.


Cohesium’s approach for a full-scale research program is listed in the flow chart below. We will manage the whole research process, keeping you abreast of our progress every step of the way and consulting with you at key points. However, if this is not needed by your organization, Cohesium can assist you with specific phases of the research process, providing as much guidance as your organization requires to achieve your research objectives.


Cohesium offers survey instrument design consultation services standard to all clients. Applying our combined 40+ years of market research experience and expertise, we will design a highly applicable custom questionnaire that will yield sound and valid data. Alternatively, if you have a survey instrument that has been designed and/or used as part of a tracking program, Cohesium will review the existing questionnaire to assure for validity, reliability and bias reduction. Keeping in mind your survey objectives, we will identify any changes we believe will improve the tracking survey.


Our Approach to Marketing Research

Our Approach to Marketing Research


We are dedicated to your success and growth! Every organization we work with is different, each with a unique set of objectives, issues, market conditions, processes and personalities. We will work closely with you to determine the most suitable marketing research program and customize the methodology and approach to meet your objectives, needs and budget.

Primary Steps in the Marketing Research Process:

  • 1.

    Identify marketing research objectives (i.e., what you need answers to)


  • 2.

    Determine marketing research program (i.e., how to collect this information)


  • 3.

    Design survey instrument/questionnaire and gather list of survey respondents (i.e., those who will be surveyed)


  • 4.

    Data collection (i.e., conduct the surveys)


  • 5.

    Process and tabulate the data


  • 6.

    Analyze and present the data (i.e., review the information gathered and translate it to meaningful and actionable insights)



Cohesium can assist you with all six of these stages or only specific phases of the research process, providing as much guidance as your organization needs to achieve the best possible research outcomes.

Cohesium offers survey instrument design consultation services to all clients. Applying our combined 40+ years of marketing research experience and expertise, we will design a customized questionnaire that will yield sound and valid data. Alternatively, if you have a survey instrument that has been designed and/or used as part of a tracking program, Cohesium will review the existing questionnaire to assure for validity, reliability and bias reduction. Keeping in mind your survey objectives, we will identify any changes we believe will improve the tracking survey.

Our Approach

  • 1.

    Cohesium will meet with you to discuss your marketing research goals, information needs and budget


  • 2.

    Cohesium will familiarize ourselves with your organization, including your products/services and your environment (e.g., competitors)


  • 3.

    Cohesium will build a customized marketing research program for you, identifying the optimal survey methodology(s) and sampling plan (i.e., who to survey and the number of people to survey) and present it clearly in a proposal


  • 4.

    Cohesium will design a survey instrument for your unique objectives, needs and budget


  • 5.

    If required, Cohesium will decide upon the most appropriate data collection partner based on your research objectives and needs


  • 6.

    The survey data will be collected using the optimal methodology (mail, online, telephone, face-to-face or combination of multiple methodologies)


  • 7.

    Cohesium will label, clean and process the data using simple and/or advanced statistical methodologies


  • 8.

    Cohesium will thoroughly analyze the survey results, turning the data into meaningful and actionable insights, including conclusions and recommendations


  • 9.

    Cohesium will present the key findings, conclusions & recommendations in a PowerPoint presentation